Floating Zendo

Floating Zendo

An Offering of Soto Zen Meditation & Study Centered in San Jose, California


Home Page Modified November 14, 2023

Welcome to the Floating Zendo, we are a Sangha, a Buddhist Community, that has been practicing Soto Zen Buddhism in Northern California’s San Francisco South Bay Area’s San José  since 1999,under the guidance of our teacher, Angie Boissevain, Sensei.

We offer a weekly online Soto Zen meditation practice (Zazen) on Tuesday nights, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, and a monthly Saturday in-person “half day” practice from 9:15am to Noon at the San José Friend’s Meeting House, on 1041 Morse St.

Beginners are welcome and individual instruction is provided upon request. 

Our Tuesday Evening Online Practice Welcomes You!
6:30-7:00 pm Zazen (Silent Soto Zen Buddhist Sitting Meditation)
7:00-7:05 pm Soto Zen Service
7:10-8:00 pm Dharma Talk, Discussion,and Close

Our Dharma Talks Are Usually Given As Follows:
1st Tuesday of the Month: By Carolyn Dille
2nd Tuesday of the Month: By Judy Putnam or Judy Reyes
3rd Tuesday of the Month: By John Lowney
4th* Tuesday of the Month: A prerecorded talk by Kobun Chino Otogawa, Angie Boissevain, or live Zen Poetry with Jeffrey Leonard
5th Tuesday of the Month: By Angie Boissevain

[*A few times each year, a business meeting may be held on a 4th Tuesday instead of a Dharma Talk]                 

The Etiquette For Our Online Practice::
To maintain the intimacy and integrity of our Buddhist Practice of Soto Zen Buddhism, we ask all who join us online to please do the following:

1] Sign in using your real name. Anonymous participation online will not be permitted, as it would not be permitted in person.

2] Please remain muted during meditation and during the Dharma talks.

3] Please stay muted unless you are speaking during our discussion periods.

4] Because we want to get to know you and you to know us, please join us in keeping the Zoom video option on and maintain facial visibility during our discussion period.                                    

The Weekly Zoom Access for Our Tuesday Practice:
Zoom Meeting ID: 876 1374 2181
Passcode: 108                                                                                  Zoom Access Hyperlink: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87613742181?pwd=UlQ2V000cm9UeWg3V3pqVjN0S2dzZz09

Our Monthly In-person Practices: We begin with seated silent meditation (Zazen). We face a wall with our eyes half-closed and maintain silence. The sound of the bell tells us when to begin and when to end. You are welcomed to bring your own meditation cushion, or you may use the pillows and chairs that are provided.

As a community of lay practitioners, we approach Buddhist precepts practically, asking how they can be applied to our daily lives. We are very grateful to be students of a dedicated and wise teacher in the evolving lineage of American Zen Buddhism.

Although we don’t have our own meditation center (a Zendo), there are many opportunities for service and socialization within our Sangha.

    • “…we are all connected to that empty circle at the top of the lineage chart, with not only all the many names that follow the red line down, but with the countless others those names stand for, including myriad women.”

      Zazen practice brings us back to our only-ness, our aloneness, our oneness. It helps us face the lies and the sometimes difficult truth of how our life is going. Even when we discover mistakes and lies we’ve been hiding from our self, in the end there’s a tremendous freshness and a great relief to be honest. ….Our only activity is to return to the present, to be this right now place. “ Angie Boissevain, Seeds of Virtue, Seeds of Change… pp. 106-108 SZBA2



        Our Meditation Practice

        We meet weekly online via Zoom and monthly in person:

        Our Tuesday Evening Online Practice Welcomes You 

        It is held on Zoom on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Pacific Time.

        The Online Weekly Practice Schedule: 

        6:30-7:00 Zazen (Soto Zen Buddhist Sitting Meditation) 

        7:00-7:05 Service 

        7:10-8:00 Dharma Talk, Discussion, & Close

      For more information about our weekly Zoom Zazen practice; to learn when our monthly Saturday in-person “half day” practices are; or to request individual instruction, please contact the Floating Zendo Secretary at: secretary@floatingzendo.org