Minutes of the Floating Zendo Business Meeting, November 28, 2006 8:15-9:25p.m. Present: Angie, Wendy, Dan, donnalynn, Britt, Lorne, Jane, Carolyn. Agenda: 1. Financial Summary 2. 2007 Floating Zendo Officers 3. Approval of Villa Angelica for 2007 Sesshin 4. Newsletter and Website Update 5. Open Discussion 1. Financial Summary Sesshin expenses were approximately $560 greater than income. However, FZ approved $1,000 to come from FZ to pay the Tenzo. Dan requires reimbursement for website expenses. Angie’¡Çs 2006 copy expenses did not exceed the amount advanced. She will submit an exact accounting in early 2007. FZ will discuss a travel fund for Angie in 2007. 2. 2007 Floating Zendo Officers Jane will continue as FZ Coordinator, Britt as Secretary. Dan will continue his work as Webmaster. Wendy will act as Treasurer for 2007, leaving vacant her previous position of Ino. Ino is the director of the meditation hall. Ino liaises with the Friends, whose meeting house we use as zendo, and recruits volunteers for opening and doan. Samia has agreed to fill the Ino role during January and February. ACTION: FZ must secure an Ino for the remainder of 2007. 3. Approval of Villa Angelica Villa Angelica was approved to be the site of the August 2007 sesshin. Sesshin is planned to start Friday, August 24, and end Thursday, August 30. FZ will search for a site for the 2008 sesshin in spring 2007. We hope that by searching early we will gain greater choice in location. FZ plans to book the 2008 site by July 2007. 4. Newsletter and Website Update The newsletter is on schedule and will be sent to the copiers December 2. Dan is working to improve the Google rank of floatingzendo.org. FZ wants the website to appear on the first page when one searches for ’¡ÈSan Jose’¡É & zen. Assistance is welcome, especially from those who have experience using a blog format. In addition, Dan has proposed creating email addresses using the floatingzendo domain for all administrative roles. Then, the Secretary, for example, could always be reached at secretary@floatingzendo.org regardless of who is serving as secretary at the time. The addresses proposed were coordinator@, treasurer@, ino@, secretary@, communications@, and fz@. 5. Open Discussion The FZ advertisement has not appeared in the Mercury News Classifieds in some time. ACTION: Jane will investigate the situation. The FZ will not meet this New Years Eve. The event has been dropped from the calendar.